Sundance Consulting Inc.

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Make Strategic Thinking Part of Your Job

Ron Carucci recently wrote a great article on the critical importance of ensuring strategic thinking is a significant part of your job. He focuses almost exclusively on helping senior executives become more strategic. 

My guess is many people in their organizations think their executives are already thinking and acting strategically. While that is certainly the case in many organizations, I have been in as many where it isn't the case as those where it is. 

However, my belief is everyone in a supervisory role needs to think and act strategically at some level every day. I've often said to groups I've worked with over the years the first level supervisors are the most important strategic leaders in the entire organization. That is because they are the ones who must answer the questions "What are these changes necessary?", "Where are we going?" and "What are we doing to get there?". Their answers must reflect the essence of the current strategy for their group, department and entire organization. 

Enjoy Ron's article: Make Strategic Thinking Part of Your Job. I'm sure you will find something you can incorporate into your job as well as other leaders in your changing organization.